Resolving Our Hidden Trauma

The Power to Heal at Our Core

Resolving Our Hidden Trauma

The Power to Heal at Our Core

Live the Life You Envision

Many of us don't understand that we have trauma. We believe that others have been impacted by trauma, but not us.

We think of trauma in terms of the "fiery car accident," being a war veteran, or being in a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or a flood.

We don't readily recognize that each of us has our own trauma...

By understanding that our trauma (hidden or not) is a key player in MOST of our adult problems in the present,

we can find resolution to our problems by addressing the traumas of our past.

It is only when we gently and systematically address our past that...

We have a chance for healing at the core level, rather than apply short-term band-aids.

And healing at the core allows us to live the life we envision.

About Lisa

Hi, I’m Lisa and through my practice at Red Bike Counseling I'll help you find the trauma that is likely underneath your struggles. I'm a therapist that personally understands how trauma can be hidden.

I understand how hidden trauma impacts us and that it impacts us on all levels - spiritually, emotionally, and physically - leaving us with feelings of isolation and shame. We may feel different and like we don't fit in.

We may struggle with...

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Distorted Thinking
  • Irritably
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Inability to relax
  • Unhealthy boundaries
  • Trust issues
  • Being easily overwhelmed

My passion is to help you to heal this hidden trauma, so can you move beyond these barriers that are limiting you and empower you to live the life you envision.

What Clients Say.....

For confidentiality, I can't use full names.

Here are testimonials that clients have given me recently, with names omitted.

I enjoy your gentle spirit, and your ability to make me comfortable sharing personal things. Your knowledge with IFS has allowed me to understand myself at a deeper level than I could've imagined and heal parts of me that have been suppressed for years. I also enjoy that you always ask before we dive into certain practices, allowing me to feel in control and comfortable.


I appreciate your approach to therapy with IFS and EMDR. I tried talk therapy three other times with little success. You gave me the power to face myself. I felt supported by you when I made myself vulnerable. As time went by, you were able to read my energy and would only ask of me what you felt that I was ready for. I always feel like I can reach out to you when I am in need and appreciate your honesty. You give so much of yourself, I am very grateful that you allowed me to work with you. I have grown so much!


What Colleagues Say.....

I have had the privilege of working closely with Lisa over the last year, and can certainly attest to her capacity as a clinician. She is truly passionate about her work and the people she serves, which comes out in her highly skilled practice of EMDR, her warmth as an individual, and her unique ability to attune to the needs of her clients. If you are looking for healing, I highly recommend Lisa.

-- Jessica Downs, LCSW (Co-Owner of Live Well Counseling Center)

Lisa is a colleague who I consistently find to be sincere and thoughtful in how she engages with others. Lisa is an excellent and deep listener. She continues to seek growth personally as well as professionally, a trait which tends to deepen one's capacity as a counselor. I appreciate her skillfulness and flexibility as a thinker, writer and psychotherapist.

Caroline Dohm

What You Get...

By purchasing my online eCourse "Resolving Our Hidden Trauma," you will:

  • Learn about and understand trauma
  • Learn how we resolve trauma
  • Learn powerful self-care strategies
  • Learn effective coping skills to help you stay healthy
  • Get instant, lifetime access to my course
  • Get 10 recorded video lessons from me
  • Get 5 PDF resources to view, download or print
  • Receive 3 follow-up emails from me

Get Started

Normally, "Resolving Your Hidden Trauma" is $97

But for a small window of time, I'm offering it to you for free.

This course will bring you up to speed QUICKLY while giving you lifetime, anytime access.

The KEY benefits to purchasing my training are that you can:

1: Get help right away, instead of waiting for a session with me

2: Learn the fundamentals we would otherwise cover in our first session or two, so you can...

3: Come to our first session prepared with the right questions, rather than taking time with me learning the fundamentals during a session

Free Enrollment to "Resolving Our Hidden Trauma"

The Red Bike logo represents the freedom that dealing with

old traumas can bring. There is perhaps no greater gift of freedom to humanity than

the bicycle, no greater gift of freedom to your self -than therapy.

It begins with a single choice...

Changing how we think about and love our selves starts with a single decision...

Change starts with the intention of wanting more; of wanting to be a better version of yourself.

But intention isn't enough. We must act on that intention in order to change.

It doesn't happen all at once.

It happens one step at a time.

One pedal stroke at a time.

Start the journey of healing your hidden traumas by clicking the button below.

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